Take your business to the next level:

Advanced Coaching with Sue Parry

Business coaching for designers who have completed several designs and are keen to grow their business

A word from Sue -

When I finished my garden design course I was eager to get on with designing gardens. But I quickly realised I knew very little about setting up and running a successful business.

In the early days my business really struggled as I tried to work out how to find the right clients, how to create a website, how to use social media, what to charge and a whole host of other things. So how did I turn things around and create a profitable business to be proud of?

• I invested in marketing mentoring. From this I developed a system to get my social media marketing running smoothly and efficiently. This gave me a steady stream of enquiries from the right type of people.

• I invested in business coaching and business masterminding. I learned a lot from this, especially the importance of working ON your business as well as working IN your business.

• I developed a system for working out what I needed to charge for designing a garden, so preparing quotes became much more streamlined.

I know a lot of designers struggle with running a successful business. It’s about attracting the right clients for you, charging the right amount, working the hours you want to work and so much more. It can be very disheartening when things don’t go well.

Over the years I’ve learned a lot about designing gardens and running a successful garden design business.

I’m now offering business coaching to other garden designers, sharing my knowledge and experience with you and helping you to grow your business.

So if you’re working full time but not making a living, you don’t know what to charge or you’re not getting enough enquiries or not attracting the right type of clients, or have no idea about marketing and don’t know where to start with social media, or you’re spending too much time on social media but not getting any clients from it let’s have a chat.

Running a successful business takes hard work, focus, determination, planning, consistency, clarity on your goals and a willingness to learn from mistakes. And you’re doing all that on top of designing gardens. Don’t get disheartened, I’m here to help!

To book your first session, simply send me a message using the form below:

Testimonials for Sue Parry:

‘Working with Sue has been great for my business, she has been a kind guide and sounding board

while helping me work on weak areas of my business that have led to my business growing and

progressing.  I would highly recommend her.  Before Sue I knew how to be a gardener designer but

now I know how to run a garden design business.’


‘Sue’s sessions are so helpful - a good mix of business, design, and self confidence coaching!’
